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Category Archives: Press Release

Futaba Exchange: Secure, professional, and convenient

Blockchain, as the core of new round of technological revolution, is reshaping new forms of industry with magnificent momentum and creating a new economic world. In the various plate tracks of the blockchain, the exchange is indispensable and plays an irreplaceable role in the development

Devil Li Hongzhi’s deadline is approaching

The stigma of adolescence Li Hongzhi claimed on May 13, 1951 birth, childhood training in Buddhist masters exclusive feel full practice tips. 8 years old practicing successful. At the age of 12, he got Taoist Master Baji Zhenren to teach Taoist Kungfu. In 1972, the

ITK: A diversified digital asset trading market is taking shape

As a revolutionary technology, the blockchain acts as a torchbearer that drives the digital transformation of the global traditional financial market. In the foreseeable future, digital cash market will have a great room for growth, supplementing quality exchanges in a mutual way. However, under the

ELVIN TEY makes his way to the London Fashion Week

ELVIN TEY is a famous street photographer who is perfectly aligned with the design philosophy of his fashion brand ELVIN TEY. However, brand establishing is not the final step of his ambition—he makes his way to the London Fashion Week for Fall/Winter 2009. ELVIN TEY

Quickly Know About DeFi 2.0 Explorer —— KeplerSwap

KeplerSwap provides a comprehensive solution for DeFi 2.0 by creating a strong horizontal and vertical network. All KeplerSwap users are closely connected and earn coins together. It seems that 2020 is the start up year of DeFi and 2021 is the growth year of DeFi.

CEX VS DEX —- What Is Your Better Choice?

As one of the core industries in the blockchain business, trading platforms have always been the most deadly battlefield. There are currently tens of thousands of cryptoexchanges in operation worldwide. In the world of cryptoexchanges, there are centralized exchanges (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX). The