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Category Archives: Press Release

Season Limit, Real Fujian Pingtan Dream Blue

The sea is gentle and the wind is free. The island road connecting to the vast coastline also hides the happiness factor of Landao holiday. The various beauty of Pingtan International Tourism Island attracts all kinds of players to explore in detail. The beautiful scenery

Acknowledge NEC in Depth

First of all, we need to have a brief acknowledgement of NEC NEC (New Era) is a Layer-2 on-chain aggregator based on the core concept of Ethereum scaling. It is committed to build a modular, universal, and highly flexible scaling framework for Ethereum. Its core component is SDK, a modular and

Voting open for ‘My China Style’ global short video contest

Voting for “My China Style” global short video contest has begun. Download the People’s Daily English or Chinese app and search key words for your favorites. From April to June, the contest has received more 180,000 works from China and other countries. Participants submitted videos through

Building a machine network based on blockchain to create a new IoT era

Mankind is entering the era of “connection of all things” Recently, the Ministry of industry and information technology released the key industries and application scenarios of “5G + industrial Internet”, marking that China’s 5G application has shifted from exploration to promotion. 5G has three characteristics: high

Star Miner Popular online

Bitcoin mines are no stranger to the majority of miners. The mines have been operating stably for more than four years and have rich experience in mine management and maintenance. Star Miner has eight major mines located throughout China, which are distributed in Sichuan, Mongolia, Yunnan,

HSM of coin’an NFT project

NFT and defi are the two areas with the highest attention of blockchain at present. In fact, the NFT market with sky high prices has repeatedly burst out, attracting more attention. The transaction price of a pair of socks has reached US $160000, and a