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Category Archives: Press Release

Baby Starlink Doge Displayed On The NASDAQ Giant Screen

On July 10, Baby Starlink Doge was successfully displayed on the NASDAQ Giant Screen. NASDAQ Giant Screen, located in the heart of New York’s Times Square in the United States, is the convergence point for world’s wealth and art, and it is often dubbed as

Blockchain blog lossless mining is coming

As a blockchain development team that has received much attention in the global blockchain industry, Light has always been determined to surpass Ethereum and become the most influential blockchain public chain development project team in the world. Light, as the world’s excellent blockchain development team,

ChiaArk: The POS mining machine went live on Jul. 12

On Jul. 12, 2021, the ChiaArk POS mining machine went live! Advocating a new carbon neutrality ecology, building a new economic entity subject to continuous cycle and promoting green living and production, ChiaArk consolidates step by step and moves ahead steadily. What is ChiaArk? As

Rising New First-line Transaction Platform: TREX

Currently, with the rapid development of global financial technology, blockchain technology has become widely-recognized new technology and new thought. It is irreversible trend to combine the traditional industry with the blockchain. Transaction and circulation of digital asset and price confirmation highly depend on the transaction

MetaPay-Open the Era of Meta Payment

Since the birth of mankind, we seem to have never experienced lasting peace and prosperity. We have tried our best to build one civilization after another, but because of lack of trust and coordination, it always disappeared immediately. In the evolution of the universe, humans have walked

“Algorithm + Credit” Rebuild the Value Foundation of DeFi

DeFi still has higher attention, with rapid technological innovation and continuous expansion of application scope, The goal of DeFi is undoubtedly to build a more effective, free, and transparent financial ecology. However, finance always develops with money and brings value exchange. Therefore, whether it is