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Category Archives: Press Release

Metaverse Doge –Creatively designed coin

Metaverse Doge is a multi-chain (BSC and ETH) project, with a strong development team behind it who aim to take the market by storm. Our innovative design will ensure liquidity through BTC, ETH, BNB and USDT etc staking and coin pricing is protected by smart

Synthetic Protocol smart contract innovates a new field of digital assets

Latest news: Synthetic Protocol is about to launch innovative smart contracts. Synthetic Protocol is the world’s first multi-chain and multi-dimensional synthetic asset protocol based on the mixed casting of encryption algorithms. As an innovative open source economic model and value discovery feedback mechanism, it aims

Cloud Computing Platform 4EVERLAND has been awarded a grant from IPFS

4EVERLAND officially announces that it has successfully obtained IPFS grants . 4EVERLAND will provide a distributed, highly efficient, self-motivated, and low-cost data hosting gateway based on IPFS. IPFS (the InterPlanetary File System) is a peer-to-peer network and protocol designed to make the web faster, safer,