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Category Archives: Press Release

What’s the NFT game Tencent & Alibaba Rush into?

In June 2021, Alibaba and Dunhuang Arts Institute jointly released two NFTs, Dunhuang Flying Sky and Nine Color Deer App skins, which were limited to 16,000 in the world. The works were looted as soon as they were released. On June 26, 2021, NetEase and

Koro’s decentralized mining is about to debut in pancakeswap

The U.S. blockchain R & D team sky brings together global investment banking elites and financial leaders to jointly build the world’s first Turing complete protocol defi + NFT + metauniverse decentralized trading platform on the BSC chain with it technology giants and blockchain masters.

Bit Taurus :DeFi market development in-depth interpretation

DeFi is undoubtedly the hottest word in recent years. DeFi moves traditional finance to the blockchain network, reduces collaboration costs, improves operational efficiency, at the same time creates a global open and borderless financial system. Before DeFi, blockchain technology experienced two major breakthroughs, both of

Past Memoirs of SAMAN: Cultivating a New World

In the first half of 2021, besides the popularity of NFT Summer, there is also a very important event. On June 9, El Salvador announced that Bitcoin will be designated as legal tender, which is the first sovereign country to designate Bitcoin as national legal