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Category Archives: Press Release

HRD:A popular NFT circulation protocol

According to market news, many users of Twitter, Reddit, Telegram and other media are reposting and commenting on a GitHub open-source project called the HRD protocol. It is reported that this protocol is the first NFT standard circulation protocol based on the perpetual combinatorial auction. Its own cross-chain

CNT – saving the earth with blockchain Technology

2021 is the first year of carbon neutralization. Global warming is an indisputable fact. Recently, more and more frequent smog and extreme climate have hurt us deeply. If we do not actively deal with it, our future generations are likely to die from the harm brought

DNTP: a new solution for electronic health records

The medical and healthcare professionals need to maintain accurate health records of the patients, and these records need to be shared among different medical and healthcare institutions so that the medical staff can read the medical history comprehensively and avoid missing the important information. At

TREX: Blow the Horn of the Area of Financial Revolution

The global finance is developing rapidly, and the digital asset transaction has entered the public’s vision with a self-confident posture. Nowadays, blockchain technology has been recognized by the common people, and has been successfully implemented and applied in various industries, and its value also has

Guizhou MTOS Relaunched to Promote International Exchanges and Cooperation

From September 26 to 28, the 2021 International Conference of Mountain Tourism and Outdoor Sports (MTOS) and the 16th Guizhou Tourism Industry Development Conference, with the theme of “Deepening Industry Integration to Improve Tourism Quality”, will be held in Tongren city, Guizhou province, and people from all over the world including representatives of internationally

UniArts’ UniScan NFT Explorer granted by Web3 Foundation

UniScan, which is a multi chain NFT Explorer, has been granted by Web3 Foundation, and passed milestone 1 evaluation. UniScan NFT Explorer wants to be the best place to analyze, track and discover NFTs. UniScan NFT Explorer hopes to create a unified NFT dedicated explorer