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Daily Archives: June 20, 2024

ATT’s Innovative Burn Mechanism

ATT Introduces Unique Organic Burn Mechanism to Enhance Token Value Singapore, June 17th — ATT (Advertising Time Token) is excited to unveil its unique organic burn mechanism, designed to enhance the scarcity and value of its tokens. The burn strategy involves three distinct pools: Small

Launch of ATT – A Revolutionary Web3.0 Application

Introducing ATT: Revolutionizing Digital Advertising with Blockchain Technology Singapore, June 17th— ATT (Advertising Time Token) is proud to announce the launch of its revolutionary Web3.0 application, which merges Real World Assets (RWA), Distributed Physical Infrastructure Networking (DePin), and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). This innovative platform

CGTN: Xi Jinping’s shared values with his father

In the exhibition hall at a revolutionary site – the premises of the former prefectural Party committee of Suide, northwest China’s Shaanxi Province – one line of words is particularly eye-catching. “Sit upright at the side of the people,” read the words once said by